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Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira

Memorial of Blessed Lindalva Justo, Daughter of Charity (Video)

A Mass that was streamed live on Apr 9, 2021 from the martyrdom chapel located at the Dom Pedro II Shelter in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

The Life and Legacy of Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira, D.C.

"Blessed Lindalva [represents] not only the Northeastern Brazilian woman, but any woman who accepts taking care of her family, and the elderly, who lives the traditions of homemaking and religious devotion with joy. [She represents] many women who are victims of...

January 7: Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira, D.C.

Video about the life of Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira, D.C.

Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira, D.C.– do you know her story?

This year we commemorate the 25th anniversary of the martyrdom of Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira, DC.