New eBook – Vincent de Paul and Liberation

New eBook – Vincent de Paul and Liberation

“Is it possible to view Vincent de Paul as a precursor in matters regarding liberation? Why not? Certainly he was a prophet during his time. His tireless energy impelled him to liberate, spiritually and materially, “the little ones” and the weak who were victims of the absolute power that was wielded during the Great Century. Vincent became involved in prophetic actions which were animated by a gospel spirit.”

Formation Friday?

Formation Friday?

It has been approximately six months that FamVin has been presenting a weeklyFormation Friday feature drawn from the resources found on the VinFormation section of the website. This is the time to take stock and ask for as little as  30 seconds of your time...
Providence and Vincentian Lay Missionaries

Providence and Vincentian Lay Missionaries

Providence. It is the word I give when asked how I connected to Vincentian Lay Missionaries (VLM) and Marillac St. Vincent Family Services (MSVFS). This idea of providence—the protective care of God—was taught to me by the Daughters of Charity and Congregation of the Mission when I was a Gateway Vincentian Volunteer (now Vincentian Mission Corps) in St. Louis. It is a lesson I continue to carry with me today as I am called to live the mission of Marillac St. Vincent Family Services and Vincentian Lay Missionaries, in my professional work and in my life.

Where nobody is a throw-away

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), August 3, 2014 – Is 55, 1-3; Rom 8, 35. 37-39; Mt 14, 13-21 The love of God in Christ Jesus (Rom 8, 39) Jesus sets a table before us in the sight of our foes. He wants us to have our fill of God’s goodness, to know more...