Random acts of kindness
Baptism of the Lord (B), January 11, 2015 – Is 42, 1-4. 6-7; Acts 10, 34-38; Mk 1, 7-11 He went about doing good (Acts 10, 38) We the baptized are authentic followers of Jesus if we, in imitation of him, are God’s humble and suffering servants. Jesus humbly undergoes...How a Vincentian University molds social consciousness
How a Vincentian University molds social consciousness in the words ofa senior at St. John’s University (and she names names in the article )
History of the Charity Federation (recently enhanced video)
History of the Charity Federation (recently enhanced video)
LinkedIn Vincentians?
LinkedIn Vincentians?… an opportunity to use this platform for newtwork especially during this coming year when there will be great attention to collaboration in the Vincentian family.
Vincentian Cardinal-designate Serves the Poor in Ethiopia
He stayed, hopes others will do same. Ethiopia’s cardinal-designate hopes his story of serving the people in one of Africa’s poorest countries will inspire young people to do the same.
Modern day martyr – Bl. Lindalva DC
Modern day martyr – Bl. Lindalva DC celebrated just over 20 years after her death
Resolutions and Gifts of the New Year – E-Voc
Instead of resolutions for change, entering the new year can be a good time to take inventory of what is working for you at this point in your life, what you are good at, what you are learning and developing.
Regina Bechtle, SC reflects on Elizabeth and Epiphany
Epiphany – it’s no accident that the feast of St. Elizabeth Seton falls on or near this day each year. Epiphany celebrates a manifestation, a revelation, a great “aha” moment.
By their fruits you shall know them?
With Elena I ask “Why is it that Catholics aren’t as welcoming to people they don’t know?”
Into Your Hands – Follower of Jesus – Imitate Jesus – Holiness of family
What will I do in 2015 to be Jesus to others and see Jesus in others, even my enemies. Keep looking for the good things.