A new face for FamVin! Fr. Aidan Rooney

A new face for FamVin! Fr. Aidan Rooney

Father Aidan Rooney, CM has been asked by the Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission to further develop and implement the approved strategic plan and to succeed me as the coordinator of the FamVin Project.

Dying to live forever

Palm Sunday (B), March 29, 2015 – Mk 11, 1-10 or Jn 12, 12-16; Is 50, 4-7; Phil 2, 6-11; Mk 14, 1 – 15, 47 He humbled himself, becoming obedient to death (Phil 2, 8) Jesus does not come down from the cross to save himself. He thus opens for us the way of salvation....