Father Pat Griffin on costumes

Father Pat Griffin on costumes

Father Pat Griffin continues his series Considering Consecrated Life with a reflection on costumes. “Costumes” In many areas, Halloween for children involves costume parties on that morning/afternoon more than wandering the streets “trick-or-treating.”  In some...
Daughters of Charity with the Pope in Philadelphia

Daughters of Charity with the Pope in Philadelphia

In a brief video  “Our Visit in Philadelphia: Pope Francis and World Meeting of Families” join with the Daughters of Charity and discerners who  traveled to Philadelphia for the 2015 World Meeting of Families and to see Pope Francis! Here’s a little...
The Encounter Space – Fr. Tom McKenna

The Encounter Space – Fr. Tom McKenna

In The Encounter Space (Ephesians 2; Luke 6) Fr. Tom McKenna offers this reflection on the space where encounter takes place. Judging from some of Paul’s favorite imagery, he would have lined up closely behind one of Pope Francis’ favorite metaphors, “encounter,”...