Contemplation: Whose Coat Is It Anyway?
This post originally appeared on Catholic Social Doctrine teaches us the principle of the universal destination of goods, under which we recognize that all things come from God, and are meant for all of His beloved. Nowhere should the demands of this...Proclaim that Jesus Is the Christ
Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, the Anointed.  And we proclaim this, of course, one with Peter and all the Church. Peter gets to proclaim that Jesus is the Christ.  And the latter tells his disciples right away to speak about it to no one.  He then teaches them that...Colorado Vincentian Volunteers: A Commitment to Service, Community, and Spirituality #famvin2024
The Colorado Vincentian Volunteers (CVV) is an organization founded in 1994 and rooted in the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul, dedicated to engaging young adults in transformative experiences of service, spirituality, and community living.
Life Without Limit: Blessed Frederic Ozanam and Mother Seton
Elizabeth Ann Seton and Frederic Ozanam grounded their lives in the true freedom of Christ, who took what appeared on the outside to be lives of tragic brevity, and brought forth from them great works of charity that continue to flourish today.
On the Road to Dignity
Jamuna, a single mother who faced severe abuse and hardship, was able to rebuild her life and achieve financial independence through the support and vocational training provided by the Navjyoti Center and the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth.
Firewood for the Soul: Blessed Frederic Ozanam
A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.
Ozanam, the Journalist
Besides practicing charity towards those most in need, Ozanam was a very courageous man in exercising his Christian apostolate through the press and literature.
A Vincentian Minute: Vincentian Theological Terms 03
Fr. Rooney continues a series called “Vincentian Theological Terms.” This week: The Poor.
Living and Serving in Hope
This short essay is inspired by the theme for the 2024 Annual National Formation (ANF) of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Canada, “Serving in Hope.”