
Vincentians Raise Almost $250,000 for Beirut

The International Vincentian Family has raised nearly $250,000 on behalf of the Lebanese Vincentian Family to support the victims of the blast in Beirut last August.

The FHA & Laudato Si’ – The Famvin Homeless Alliance and Laudato Si’ (and III)

The following is Part 3 of a reflection on our Pope’s words and a consideration of how Laudato Si’ both informs and affirms the work of the Famvin Homeless Alliance.

Fires at Churches are a Threat to the Expression of Religious Freedom

The General Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul repudiates any kind of religious intolerance

Perseverance Accomplishes Everything (Lived experience in Tepecoyo, El Salvador)

Sister Ana Rosa Moran, DC shares with us her 40 years of missionary service in Tepecoyo (El Salvador)

2016 Internal Seminary in Krakow

2016 Internal Seminary in Krakow

Tomasz X. Baluka, C.M., 2016 Internal Seminary Director, writes The inter-provincial Internal Seminary started on Tuesday, September 20 in Krakow, Poland. Eight young men from three Provinces: Poland (5), Slovakia (1) and Sts. Cyril and Methodius (Ukraine, 2)...