
Dangriga Associates

The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth in Dangriga have been on the move.

Reminder…Climate Change Event: Register Now!

Climate change impacts homeless women and girls even more profoundly as entrenched gender inequalities increase their risks.

DePaul International: Update on Ukraine (March 17)

A statement from Matthew Carter, Group CEO of Depaul International, on the current situation in Ukraine.

A prayer in solidarity with Ukraine

Pope Francis, stating that his “heart is broken” invited people to pray and fast for peace in Ukraine. We take this time now to be close to the sufferings of our Ukrainian sisters and brothers.

Venezuelans: We Are With You

Venezuelans: We Are With You

As people of faith and brothers/sisters in our common charism, we want to walk closely with the Venezuelan people on this long and painful way of the cross towards the fullness of Life (John 10:10). We would like to help them feel close to the God of Life through our...