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Study finds a program that worX!

Have you ever bothered to study the long term results of your youth and young adult program?

Doers of the Word: Saints Oscar Romero and Vincent de Paul

On this joyful day, a reflection for all Vincentians on Saint Oscar Romero and St. Vincent de Paul: hearers and doers of the word.

Prayer Request of the Pope – Special October Campaign #PrayForTheChurch

Pope Francis has asked his Worldwide Prayer Network to help all the faithful pray more intensely this month of October. For more resources, click here. During these last years and months, we in the Church have lived through difficult situations, among these abuses of...

The Pope Video • Young People in Africa

This month, the Pope asks us to pray that young people in Africa may have access to education and work in their own countries. Pope Francis - September 2018 Africa is a wealthy continent, and its greatest, most...