Year of Consecrated Life presented by Daughters of Charity

John Freund, CM
February 10, 2015

Year of Consecrated Life presented by Daughters of Charity

by | Feb 10, 2015 | Church, Daughters of Charity, News

DC-LogoThe international website of the Daughters of Charity offers a series of features about the Year of Consecrated Life.

From the site… February begins with some important events for the Daughters of Charity and also for consecrated people. On February 2nd, in fact, we celebrate the Day of Consecrated Life and as the whole year is dedicated to it, this day assumes a particular meaning. Moreover, in early February, there are the commemorations of some Daughters of Charity who are now Blessed: the martyrs of Angers (February 1st); Blessed Sister Giuseppina Nicoli (February 3rd), followed by Blessed Sister Rosalie Rendu (February 7th). These are our Sisters, always a bright example for each of us.

In the Slider Section you can find the link to connect to a site on consecrated life, and as soon as available, you can read the message of Pope Francis for the Day for Consecrated Life 2015.

Still on the subject with the Year dedicated to consecrated life, the Prayer Corner, presents a reflection on the document “Vita Consecrata” of John Paul II.

In the first part of the Focus on section there is an article on the current expectations of the Year of Consecrated Life on the part of those who live the Vincentian charism. In the second part there will be the testimony of a Sister that illustrates this theme.




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