Justice and Peace

The Cost of “Preferential Option for the Poor”

Forty years ago, four women gave their lives as part of their preferential option for the poor. Read their own words. It should take just about 40 seconds.

Les Miserables – Vincentian Influences and Reflections

Les Miserables strikes a chord in Vincentians when they hear… To love another person is to see the face of God. Victor Hugo admired Vincent de Paul. He based the character of the Bishop on Vincent de Paul.

Voting As a Sacred Act: Prayer and Reflections

Together, let us join in prayer each day for peaceful and just elections using this prayer and reflection.

Pope Francis’ Encyclical Read as a Puzzle

In a beautiful document on the call to human community, Pope Francis offers the “Good Samaritan” as a lens through which we can look at the many serious problems of a polarized and insensitive world.

Super Bowl alert for human trafficking

Super Bowl alert for human trafficking

USA TODAY has a report on the effort to reduce or eliminate human trafficking on the occasion of the SuperBowl. The hordes of people flocking to this year's Super Bowl might be an attractive target for human traffickers looking to make new clients Thousands of fans...

20 ways you can fight trafficking

US State Department offers 20 Ways You Can Help Fight Human Trafficking  (Graphic courtesy of http://www.stopenslavement.org/) After first learning about human trafficking, many people want to help in some way but do not know how. Here are just a few ideas...

Correction – Patron of the abused

Correction – Patron of the abused

An earlier article about a Vincentian martyr as a possible patron saint of the abused requires further nuance. THe article was based on three different sources which collectively missed a significant nuance. FamVin has learned from Vincent Hermans, secretary of the...