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Vincentian Marian Youth

“Reborn to Hope” Project – Vincentian Marian Youth (VMY)

Vincentian Marian Youth (VMY) is an association of lay young men and women, whose objective is to awaken consciences about the value and needs of other human beings, especially those men and women who are poor.

Vincentian Marian Youth in Sierra Leone

The Vincentian Marian Yoth in Sierra Leone have our weekly prayer meeting every Saturday at 4pm, we also engage in weekly apostolates to the Prison, the hospital, the orphanage and to the sick and aged at home in the villages. 

Celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Vincentian Marian Youth in the Diocese of Antananarivo

On May 27-29, 2022 the Vincentian Marian Youth celebrated their National Congress in the Diocese of Antananarivo (Madagascar).

June 20: Anniversary of the Children of Mary Association (Vincentian Marian Youth/JMV)

Learn more about the history and mission of this dynamic branch of the Vincentian Family!