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Contemplation: To You Alone – SSVP USA, a Weekly Reflection

This post originally appeared on To offer the benefit of the doubt is to assume the best of somebody even when you are uncertain of the truth. Is this not what we are called to do in our encounters with the neighbor? Thomas, we are told in John’s gospel,...

Ruler and Savior, Lord and Messiah, Good Shepherd

Jesus is Ruler and Savior, Lord and Messiah.  Yet he lords over no one; he serves and is the Good Shepherd who gives his life for the sheep. A ruler among Jesus’ own should not at all be like a ruler among the Gentiles. The latter lords it over others. The former, on...

Firewood for the Soul: Your Eyes, My Eyes

A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.

Learning from Our Children and Our Parents • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

What an incredible moment when I heard the last cries of my beloved wife and the first cries of my daughter!  What an incredible moment to behold that child, small but immortal; that child that God placed in my hands; that child that has brought me much love and many...
Is July 4 a dangerous memory?

Is July 4 a dangerous memory?

Americans see Independence Day as one of the three significant holidays of the summer. But it brings with it the dangers of injuries from fireworks. These injuries can be quite serious. Yet, there is an unrecognized danger… and challenge! Independence Day falls in the...



There is an interesting story of an atheist who considered faith in the incarnation of Jesus as absurd. On a Christmas night when all the believers where in the Church to celebrate the birth of Christ, he stayed back at home. That night there was big thunder storm and...

Yoke That Is Easy, Burden That Is Light

Paradoxes: Signs of the New Creation

Jesus brings in the new creation. The paradoxes that he lives and teaches let us know what the new creation means. Jesus uses hard sayings and paradoxes to announce the Good News.  And there are, in today’s gospel, examples of these hard sayings and paradoxes. For...