
A Canadian View: 2020 Vision

The term 2020 vision refers to our eyesight as being near perfect. The year 2020 gave us a vision of many issues…

Vincentians – Celebrating and Challenging

Let’s remember what we learned during COVID-19, especially how we managed to maintain our personal relationship with those who, in addition to the daily challenges of living in poverty, must now weather the effects of the pandemic.

Advent Reflections: Vincentian Family Office (Part Three)

During the Advent Season, each one of the four members of the International Vincentian Family Office will offer a brief video. Part Three

A Holy Nudge (Is 61; Jn 1:19-28)

One of my favorite words, both because of the way it sounds and what it connotes, is “nudge”

Hidden still is Jesus’ messiahship

Hidden still is Jesus’ messiahship

Jesus is God’s Christ.  His being so remains hidden, however, from those who lack compassion. Jesus backtracks.  He keeps hidden once again his being the Messiah no sooner than he has revealed it through Peter’s confession of faith.  The Teacher directs his disciples...

What is God Telling You?

What is God Telling You?

What God is Telling You - Pain and Suffering - Guided by the Holy Spirit – Mending a Broken Heart Vincentian Day of Fast and Prayer – Tuesday, June 14, 2016 What God is Telling You - What has He been saying to you?  Sometimes we think we hear the message, but are...

What was it like to learn from Vincent?

What was it like to learn from Vincent?

You have seen the graphic for this series. What was is like to sit across the table from Vincent and learn from him? Each Tuesday the more pastorally concerned clergy would gather to learn from Vincent. Abelly states that more than 12,000 ordinands made their retreats...

Listen more, speak less

Listen more, speak less

"Remember this, my dear brothers: everyone should be quick to listen but slow to speak." (James 1, 19) A group of students of the "San Vicente de Paúl" School of Barbastro, Huesca (Spain), wrote, during the activities organized on the feast day of St. Vincent de Paul,...