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Indwelling (John 14:21-26)

The Lord Jesus grew up in an agricultural setting, and so it’s no surprise that He draws on images that run through that world.

Vincentian Mothers – “Saints” and “Saints Next Door”

This Mindwalk follows up with a look at Vincentian mothers who mentored dreams.

Contemplation: Invitation to Grow

This post originally appeared on Why did you join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? And why do you stay? These are two very important questions for every Vincentian to meditate upon from time to time. Membership is a vocation, a calling. Each of us heard...

Advocate, Teach, Remind and Lead

Jesus sends us the Holy Spirit from the Father. This Spirit of truth is upon us to advocate for us who are weak but seek to fulfill our mission. Jesus knows that his disciples need an Advocate to speak up for them and defend them. After all, they show time and again...
Favors, Blessings, Graces from God

Favors, Blessings, Graces from God

Jesus, the one anointed with the Holy Spirit and sent by the Father, brings the Good News to the poor.  He proclaims the era of favors from heaven. The angel Gabriel comes to Mary. As he greets her, he does not say the name of the virgin betrothed to Joseph. Rather,...