
Nativity Power

The Christmas gospel from St. Luke starts out on a theme of power, the political power of an absolute ruler, Caesar Augustus.

What Size is Your Dream?

Let us not settle only for what is necessary. The Lord does not want us to narrow our horizons or to remain parked on the roadside of life. He wants us to race boldly and joyfully towards lofty goals.

Faces of God, of Jesus, of Those in Need

Jesus embodies the blessing that God pours out on us through the Holy Spirit.  His face shines on us, so that our faces may mirror his. The faces of Mary and Joseph gleam since on them shines the face of Jesus.  He is the great eternal high priest (Heb 2, 17; 4, 14;...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Prayers and Resolutions

What can I do to live in a kingdom where all are truly welcomed as God has welcomed me?

The Apostolate of the Ear

The Apostolate of the Ear

Pope Francis will meet, from today on, with hundreds of thousands of young people, coming from all over the world to celebrate their faith in community. He's going to offer a word of encouragement and support, also the closeness of the entire Church in these complex...

Who Does God Say You Are?

Who Does God Say You Are?

Who does God say you are? - Button up on Discipleship -- Sing a New, Joyful Song Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday July 26, 2016 Who does God say you are? I know I am not alone in what I do.  I always believe God is with me.  Sometimes I need His...

Broken Open and Rebuilt

Broken Open and Rebuilt

I find that people have a keen sense of recognizing when something significant has happened in a person’s life, and that they want to ask about it. The problem, however is often –words. “How was your semester abroad?” “How was the wedding? “The funeral?” “What was...

The Right Focus

The Right Focus

The Right Focus (Matthew 6) I came across an interview with a woman violinist who had just completed a concert and gotten rave reviews for it. The interviewer was asking her how she got to be so good, how she developed this great gift of letting the beauty of the...

Clouds by Day, and Fire by Night

Prayer of faith that is shamelessly bold

Jesus is “a man of the greatest prayer” (SV.EN IX:326).  Because of him only, we try hard to be men and women of prayer. “Christ is constantly before the Father in prayer.”  His good example prompts one of the disciples to ask, “Lord, teach us to pray just as John...

A Mischievous Pope

A Mischievous Pope

Last Wednesday, July 13, Pope Francis did one of those amazing acts that we are getting used to. The media said that, after attending a routine visit to the dentist, he asked the driver of his Ford Focus, instead of returning directly to his offices, to deviate a...