
Aren’t We All “Flat-earthers”?

There is no doubt in my mind that the earth is a globe revolving in space! So how could I be a “flat-earther”?

Speak as Our Teacher Commands Us to Do

Jesus is the Word of the Father.  So, he does not speak on his own; the Father who has sent him commands him what to say (Jn 12, 49).  We, in turn, should only speak what Jesus tells us. God starts to speak, and just like that creation gets underway.  That means, he...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Vincent Involved Everyone

One of the forgotten truths about Vincent is that he never allowed himself to be trapped in ministerial silos. Rather, he was skilled in engaging a wide spectrum of people.

“Let Us Dedicate Ourselves to the Poor”

You can find great texts in the early Bulletins of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, which are still fully relevant today.

A Vincentian View: The Joy of Being Found

A Vincentian View: The Joy of Being Found

A Vincentian View “The Joy of Being Found” Our Gospel of Sunday, September 11 contains the entire fifteenth chapter of Luke’s Gospel and the three parables therein. The ideas of being “lost” and “found” and “joyful” are central in each story. Listen again to the words...