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How Mother Seton Teaches Us About the Gift of God Himself

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton believed in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist even before she was fully received into the Church.

Hearing the Voice (John 10:11-18)

I think people would worry if someone accused them of “hearing voices.” But the truth of the matter is that during each week, any number of voices are directed at us.

The Gift of Jesus’ Spirit

Have you ever been captivated by a master teacher? Some time ago I wrote of my experience with a master teacher.

Contemplation: With All Our Strength

This post originally appeared on As Vincentians, we understand this to be a calling, a vocation. Each of is called to serve God as a member of the Society, seeing Christ in the neighbor, and growing in holiness through our service. While the meetings and...
Generous to All like Jesus Christ

Take Seriously the Good News of God

Jesus is the Good News of God in person. To take seriously this Good News means to have, for sure, life, bliss, salvation. There are those, of course, who do not take seriously Jesus’ proclamation that the kingdom of God has come. They say that if it were true, things...