
The Word (Deut 4: 1-8; Jas 1:17-27)

I remember a heated conversation between a man who was promising something  to a woman, and the woman to whom the promise was being made. It ended with her exasperated response, “Those are just words.”

Me-ism In Our World … and Church

Me-ism! A lens to understand our world, church… and the three year “synodal process” beginning October 2021.

Rumors, No; Intimate Knowledge, Yes

Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed.  To know and confess him so is to go beyond rumors; it is to live and die like him. There are rumors that Jesus is John the Baptist who is back to life.  Or is Elijah who is expected to come before the Day of the Lord...

Vincentian Prayer Images: What Moved Saint Vincent? X

What is a disciple of Vincent called to be?

A Vincentian View: All Are Welcome

A Vincentian View: Peace Be With You

Vincentian View: “Peace be with you” If you have gotten messages from me, you will see that I most often finish my notes with “Peace” or “Peace in the Risen Lord” or some such variation on “peace.”  Many people may feel that it is a left over from my hippie-days and...

VLM/VMC Impact: Hardly a Day Goes By…

VLM/VMC Impact: Hardly a Day Goes By…

We will be sharing a series of reflections made by Vincentian Lay Missionaries and Vincentian Mission Corps participants about their experience serving, how it has impacted their lives and how they continue to live the Vincentian Charism today.  Hardly a day goes...

Following Behind “The Story”

Following Behind “The Story”

Following Behind “The Story” Especially in this age of Facebook and Instagram has the power of story come to the fore. That is, increasingly so, the narrative much more than the bullet-pointed outline is what does the most effective job of getting through to hearts...