
Delight Others, and Not Ourselves

The wisdom of God made flesh dwells with us.  He is delighted to be with us.  But he wants, first of all, to delight us. The scribes and the Pharisees time and again test Jesus.  At best, they seek to connect with him.  At worse, they set a snare for his steps.  But...

Vincentian Prayer Images: What Moved Saint Vincent? XIII

Vincent is burning with a spark of the same fire as burns in God.

A Note on Charity for Vincentian Month 2021

If charity is our rule, as Saint Vincent de Paul taught us, what does it look like?

Constitutive, Indispensable, Crucial

Jesus is constitutive of the Christian community.  Do we say and live this as St. Vincent? Moises makes clear what truly matters.  Jesus does so too.  For the two of them, it is not about us.  Or the group that we make up, chosen and gifted so as to serve others. ...
The Face of Forgiveness

The Face of Forgiveness

The Face of Forgiveness (Psalm 4) In perhaps an awkward way of putting it, one of the psalms has us asking a favor from a face – the face of God. “Lord let your face shine upon us” and a little later, “Let the light of Your face shine upon us.” (Ps. 4). The phenomenon...

A Vincentian View: In-Between Times

A Vincentian View: In-Between Times

Vincentian View: In-Between Times We sometimes refer to that period which is sandwiched between two events as an “in-between” time. The occurrences which flank this interval often provide its character and purpose.  The unifying force of the interlude draws the two...

Pour out God’s Love into Hearts

Anointing with the Holy Spirit and Mission

The risen Jesus breathes on us.  Anointing us so with the Holy Spirit, he sends us to work with him in the evangelization of the poor. The risen Jesus stands in the midst of his disciples.   Never mind that it is dark and the disciples bolted the doors.  First, he...