
The Pope Video • People Who Suffer From Depression

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: People Who Suffer From Depression.

Do You Ignore “Nudges”?

A big storm approaches. The weatherman urges everyone to get to higher ground. In his rectory, a priest says, “I won’t worry, God will save me.”

A Canadian View: A Time for Change

As we see the changes nature provides to us, perhaps all Vincentians can take this time to examine how we might be open to some personal and organizational changes.

Saints Like Us (Hebrews 12.1)  

There’s an instinct to idealize the saints as entirely different from the rest of us, off in another league at some unattainable level of holiness and favor with God.

The Hidden Poor

The Hidden Poor

Becoming homeless ‘not chosen' Homeslessness is not something people choose – sometimes they are simply unlucky and fall on hard times. St Vincent de Paul Society executive and volunteer Herbert Portanier regularly meets people experiencing housing insecurity. “All it...

Sacramentals (Mt 10:27-32)

The Planted Word

The Planted Word (James 1: 17-27) Early in the last century, a boy came home from school to tell his mother how he had thrown snow balls at a homeless man lying drunk in the winter street. Taking him aside, she drove home reasons why he should never demean...