
The Pope Video • For Small Businesses

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: For Small Businesses.

Challenges of “Walking the Talk”

There are times when I have thought of another “Yeah, talk is cheap”! Other times I have stood on the sidelines in awe, watching how well another ”walks the talk.”

A Vincentian View: Being Rich in What Matters to God

The blessing of abundance carries with it a responsibility.  Jesus points out that truth when he tells the parable of the rich man with the abundant harvest. 

Corinth – Is the Past Prologue?

In “The Tempest,” Shakespeare wrote, “What’s past is prologue!” Antonio is rationalizing the past as setting the stage for their next act, as a prologue does in a play.

Remember Jesus, His Works and Words

Remember Jesus, His Works and Words

Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God and the Son of Mary, has risen! We should remember him and also preach him as our Good News (2 Tim 2, 8). We Christians love Jesus Christ although we have not seen him. And even though we do not see him now yet we believe in him...