
Lessons From My Christmas Conversion

We used to celebrate Christmas for forty days, a period symbolizing conversion. Mother Seton’s own life-changing Christmas experience prompts us to ask ourselves—did we open our hearts to the Christ child this year? Or did we lock the door of the inn?

Is Christmas Over?

In this Vincentian Mindwalk, I am asking whether Christmas is the celebration of a moment in the past or something that takes place in your life every day?

A Canadian View: A Happy Re-New Year!

As I sat with my wife on New Year’s Eve and watched the Big Apple drop in New York, it was, as always, great to see so much joy, love, reflection and hope for what this new year of 2023 may bring us.

A Vincentian View: Look Inside and Outside

The flow of our celebrations in these weeks invite us to a place in the middle. Two feasts attract our attention and border out reflections.

Nations, All Nations, Will Worship the Lord

Nations, All Nations, Will Worship the Lord

Jesus is the light of the nations.  That is why to follow him means to welcome Gentiles from all races, tongues, peoples and nations. Ps 149, 6 asks that praise be on the lips of the faithful.  And swords in their hands to take revenge on the nations. Is it due to...

Nations, All Nations, Will Worship the Lord

Faces of God, of Jesus, of Those in Need

Jesus embodies the blessing that God pours out on us through the Holy Spirit.  His face shines on us, so that our faces may mirror his. The faces of Mary and Joseph gleam since on them shines the face of Jesus.  He is the great eternal high priest (Heb 2, 17; 4, 14;...