
Vincentian Prayer Images: Contemporary Art 19

Share your thoughts on a weekly image of St. Vincent de Paul as portrayed by a contemporary artist.

Vincentian Lent, a Pilgrimage to the Heart: A Journey Made up of Questions (Part Two of Two)

Part Two of Two of an examination of conscience, in the form of questions, which can be useful for all of us Vincentians.

Lent: A Time to Withdraw to be Ourselves

Jesus took with him Peter, James and John and led them up a high mountain apart, by themselves (Mk 9:2; Mt17:1). This is how both St. Mathew and St. Mark begins the transfiguration narrative which is taken for the liturgical reading of the Second Sunday of Lent. St....

To Follow the Pope, as St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Did

St. Peter is honored because despite his weaknesses, he loved and followed Jesus, and became the first pope. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton also chose a difficult path, when she answered God’s call, and entered the Catholic Church.

Joyful to See the Lord in Their Midst

Joyful to See the Lord in Their Midst

The risen Christ stands in the midst of his disciples and wishes them peace.  He shows them his hands and his side.  And they turn joyful. The disciples are not at all joyful after the death of Jesus.  They are even broken and hopeless. For not only do they miss their...