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Daring to Risk a Caring Response: The Sisters of Charity’s Service during the Spanish Influenza Pandemic

The Sisters of Charity, who embody a legacy of service and caring for others, met the challenge presented by the flu epidemic in 1918.

July 26: Arrival of Felix de Andreis, C.M., Joseph Rosati, C.M., and companions in the U.S.

They sailed to Baltimore, MD, primarily to establish a seminary in the Louisiana territory.

A Canadian View: Justice for All

Poverty and racism have always been intertwined.  If we do not include address both, it will be difficult to realize any positive results that may finally lead to Justice For All.

Some Wish They Had a Mask To Wear!

In the midst of the debate about wearing masks some wish they had a mask to wear.

The real fool on the hill

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), February 23, 2014 – Lev 19, 1-2. 17-17; 1 Cor 3, 16-23; Mt 5, 38-48 Let him become a fool so as to be wise (1 Cor 3, 18) We can belong to Christ and his kingdom only if we prefer divine folly to human wisdom and remember always and...

Same ole same ole?

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), February 16, 2014 – Sir 15, 15-20; 1 Cor 2, 6-10; Mt 5, 17-37 If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation (2 Cor 5, 17) Jesus, with his announcement of the kingdom and his lifestyle, represents conversion and newness.  But radical...