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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Notes On the Assumption of Mary

“In a sweeping reflection on the feast of the Assumption in 1813, she traced the special blessings Mary received through the stages of motherhood…”

Frogs, Canaries and Pope Francis

We have often heard the stories of the lessons we can learn from frogs and canaries.  Now they can help us understand why Pope Francis invited us to join a month-long celebration with the world’s 2.2 billion Christians.

Synodality: A Shared Path with the Poor at the Heart of the Church #famvin2024

The article entitled “The Poor in a Synodal Church” by Juan Pablo García Maestro, OSST, discusses the importance of synodality in the Church and how it should focus especially on the poor.

A Vincentian View: Running the Good Race

As we take pleasure in watching the Olympic Games in these weeks, the images of Paul take on a particular character.

Ambitions that Are Selfish and Unfettered

Lift up the Son of Man on the Cross

Those in power lift up Jesus on the wood of the cross.  In letting them do so, he proves true his word that God so loves the world that he gives his only Son, so that those who believe in him may have eternal life.  The Lord tells Moses to lift up on a pole a serpent...