
The Importance of Spiritual Advisors in Times of Pandemic

Keeping the flame of the Vincentian charism burning has been a challenge during the pandemic.

Lenten Video Series: Day 27, Christ In Us

This Lent, we offer to you the 2021 Lenten Video Series created by the Central Association of the Miraculous Medal. Day 27: Christ In Us.

Lent for Vincentians (video)

Lent: a season of grace and riches, a season of poverty and emptying, a season of contemplation and action.

Falling In Love With “Real Families”

It is a shame that most people only hear polarized pundits cherry-picking from a select few paragraphs, or even just footnotes, in what in reality is an inspiring document describing and addressed to the real family of today.

God Who is Rich in Mercy

God Who is Rich in Mercy

The second encyclical of Pope John Paul II was Dives in Misericordia (The Mercy of God, November 30, 1980). In this encyclical he speaks elaborately on God’s mercy, as revealed in the Bible. This is a reflection in the light of this encyclical. The core of divine...

Formation in The Life And Writings of St. Vincent

Formation in The Life And Writings of St. Vincent

Fr. Robert Maloney writes: “…the letters, documents, and conferences in the fourteen volumes of [St. Vincent de Paul’s] extant works are, for the most part, aimed at the formation of those whom Vincent had gathered together in the service of the poor…” See a timeline of St. Vincent’s principal formational undertakings.