
Addressing the Homelessness of College Students

Partnering with St. John’s University in Queens, the Dax Program is designed to assist homeless and housing insecure college students by providing housing, supportive services, and financial assistance for food, transportation, and academic expenses. 

AIC Training Video Series for Feast of Saint Louise, Part 2

The second in a series of videos offered by the AIC International Training Team to mark the Feast of St. Louise de Marillac.

A Vincentian View: The Life Within

Mary knew Joseph.  As we are attentive to her, we learn about the one who stood beside her for much of her life. 

Are We Ministerial “Rip Van Winkles”?

For over twenty years we have been living in the very early stages of a “digital revolution.” We are just now beginning to realize how this digital revolution is impacting every facet of our lives.

A mission of love

A mission of love

It has been two years since the SCN Volunteer Program has been able to bring a team of volunteers back to Belize, due to the global pandemic that has become our daily life.

Peace and Reconciliation at All Costs

Peace and Reconciliation at All Costs

Christ is our peace.  He breaks down, through his flesh, the wall of hatred that separates us from one another. Justice and peace are what the commandment, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” seeks.  It forbids vengeance like that of Lamech, who boasts, “I...

Raise Young Vincentians

Raise Young Vincentians

Whenever we attend any Vincentian Family Gatherings, Matt and I always introduce our children (who are ages 3 and 1) as the littlest Vincentians of the Family. While we constantly have the “raise little Vincentians” voice in the backs of our heads, I wonder, do all...

Alike [video]

Alike [video]

We present a short video, Alike, that is worth seeing. In eight minutes we watch the story of a father and his son, who live similar situations. The issues that arise in this video are many and important: depersonalization, the struggle against the system, freedom,...

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and Collaboration

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and Collaboration

Sr. Judith Metz, S.C. writes: We sometimes think of our lives as small, mundane, tucked away in an insignificant part of the world and having little impact. So we wonder, “Have I accomplished anything worthwhile?” Yet, deep within ourselves, we know that if we have...