
Vincentian Prayer Images: Walking Through Each Day with St. Vincent XIV

St. Vincent told the Daughters of Charity: “Make good use of the free time you have after caring for the sick. Never be idle…”

AIC Training Video Series for Feast of Saint Louise, Part 7

The seventh in a series of videos offered by the AIC International Training Team to mark the Feast of St. Louise de Marillac.

St. Louise’s Trinitarian Faith

In this presentation, see how St. Louise’s faith introduced her to each one of the Divine Persons.

AIC Training Video Series for Feast of Saint Louise, Part 6

The sixth in a series of videos offered by the AIC International Training Team to mark the Feast of St. Louise de Marillac.

Welcome for the Marginalized and Excluded

Welcome for the Marginalized and Excluded

As he gives welcome to the marginalized, Jesus reflects the invisible God.  This God listens to the poor, executing justice for the orphan and the widow, and befriending the alien. Jesus is unlike those who walk around with blinders.  As he passes by, he sees a blind...

God in Spiritual Life

God in Spiritual Life

Every day when we wake up we usually think about many things - - working, learning, money, etc. - - and sometimes we forget God’s presence. We put together a plan for the day and are always busy with our lives. However, there is one important thing: we need to...