
“Vincent’s Shades of Tolerance” by Fr. Jack Melito, CM

A presentation based on one of the essays from “Saint Vincent de Paul: Windows on His Vision,” a collection of informal essays about Saint Vincent de Paul, his life and his spirituality, by Rev. Jack Melito, CM.

A Perfect Storm

I have only recently become conscious of the “perfect storm” faced by the early Christian community at the time Mark collected the stories of Jesus and made use of them to ultimately give hope in a disastrous situation.

How Big is Your Tent?

“You Catholics have one big tent that contains everyone.” That thought has been very reassuring to me over the years. Particularly when entertaining Catholic views that are different than mine.

Public Transportation – Nuisance or Necessity

People who are not homeless have a variety of experiences with public transportation. How do you think homeless people view public transportation?

God is Good #IamVincent

God is Good #IamVincent

"There was one week in December when I felt like everything went wrong." Vincent would have known what you're talking about! He said, "Your soul will be blessed, Sister, if you bear patiently the troubles of mind and body His Providence sends you, or which come to you...