
What Do Homeless Need When a Heatwave Comes?

Writing for Invisible People, Kayla Robbins Robbins, freelance writer, asks what can we do when a heatwave comes?

Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life On Land

Learning about the SDGs and understanding their significance is an important first step as together, creatively, we search for the most effective ways to advocate for these aspects of social justice.

A Vincentian View: Dwelling in the Lord’s House

How might Joseph have prayed and meditated on Psalm 27? 

Vincentian Embodiment of the Jesus Movement

Thinking about the Vincentian Movement as being rooted in an awareness of God’s love which radiates out in widening circles.

A Vincentian View: Apostolorum Apostola

A Vincentian View: Apostolorum Apostola

A Vincentian View: Apostolorum Apostola This past Saturday, for the second time, the Church celebrated the “Feast of Mary Magdalene.”  One year ago, in June 2016, the Congregation for Worship elevated her memorial to a feast in the decree "Apostolorum Apostola,"...

Treasure without Price and wholly Gladdening

Treasure without Price and wholly Gladdening

In Jesus Christ is hidden the priceless treasure that can make us wholly happy.  In him begins and ends, therefore, the search for the true treasure. Jesus starts his public ministry by announcing that the kingdom of heaven is at hand.  He points out in some way that...

Out of Season

Out of Season

At the start of the Easter season this year I was inspired by a reading that emphasized celebrating the 50 days of Easter. Yet as the season has unfolded there has been much more dying and death in my life than resurrection. I find it nearly impossible to continue to...