
Vincentian Prayer Images: What Moved Saint Vincent? IX

“…the direction in which missioning moves— toward the poor people of the world, trying to be God’s love for them, and at the same time finding in them God’s love.”

Vincentian Feast Days This Week

August 30 is the Feast Day of Blessed Ghebre-Michael, and September 2 is the memorial of the Congregation of the Mission’s Martyrs of the French Revolution.

From DePaul University: Cultivating Student Success By Providing Information Technology Services

In this video from their “Seeds of the Mission” series, Tyneka Harris Coronado talks about her work as a project leader in Information Services at DePaul as being a mix of Servant Leadership and Vincentian Personalism.

If Nuns Ruled the World…

A self-described agnostic, Jo Piazza, writes… “I may not believe in God, but I do believe in nuns.”

A Vincentian View: The Truth

A Vincentian View: The Truth

A Vincentian View: The Truth Last year at this time, I was on vacation and that proves true in this year as well. Last year, I wrote an essay about the Olympics and the political campaign which were both taking place at that time. My theme centered on “giving your...