
Rumors, No; Intimate Knowledge, Yes

Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed.  To know and confess him so is to go beyond rumors; it is to live and die like him. There are rumors that Jesus is John the Baptist who is back to life.  Or is Elijah who is expected to come before the Day of the Lord...

Vincentian Prayer Images: What Moved Saint Vincent? X

What is a disciple of Vincent called to be?

We Are One 

Participation of the missionaries in the condition of the poor, so that we not only attend their evangelization, but that we ourselves are evangelized by them.

“Youth and Life” Home in Cuautla de Morelos (Mexico)

“Youth and Life” is a civil association founded in 2002 by Father Miguel Blázquez Avix, CM  dedicated to protecting at risk children by providing them with a home.

Talking About Racism

Talking About Racism

With Racism a persistent and cross-cultural problem, Vincentians need to be at least participants and perhaps leaders in the necessary conversations. The Leadership Learning Community shares good information on how to do this. In case you need a refresher, systemic,...

All our Work Consists in Action

All our Work Consists in Action

St. Vincent was fond of the classic adage, "Totum opus nostrum in operatione consistit." "All of our work consists in action." Or, again, "All our works end up in action." or, more loosely, "Action is our entire task." This applies to everyone, especially leaders....

A Vincentian View: Beauty and the Beast

A Vincentian View: Beauty and the Beast

A Vincentian View: Beauty and the Beast As a child, like most of you, I heard and read the story of “Beauty and the Beast” many times. As an adult, I saw the animated Disney Movie (with Angela Lansbury beautifully singing the title song) and a Broadway version. Now,...

Seeing Better and Systemic Change

Seeing Better and Systemic Change

In his wonderful new book Vincentian Meditations, Tom McKenna has a chapter on “seeing better.” He asks “what does standing under Vincent’s influence do to an individual?” And one response is that one can see better. That can mean many things but it might would...