
The Visitation as “Paying it forward”

In her visitation journey to Elizabeth, Mary was simply “paying her gift forward” by offering her elderly cousin much welcomed assistance.

Manifestations, Revelations, Apparitions

Jesus is the best and the fullest of God’s manifestations to us humans.  It is enough to see and know him to see and know God. The word “epiphany” comes Greek and means “manifestation,” “revelation,” “apparition.”  And there are manifestations and manifestations. ...

Three Epiphany Words (Mt 2:1-12; Is 60:1-6)

This thread of “Stop, Look and Go” winds through the words and actions of this Feast of Epiphany.

From Christ’s Mass to Merry Christmas… and Back

A visitor from outer space might be forgiven for not seeing the connection between what happened 2000 years ago and the last week of December each year.

On Being Overshadowed

On Being Overshadowed

On Being Overshadowed (Every year on the feast of the Annunciation thousands of Daughters of Charity the world over retake their vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and service to the poor. This was the homily at one of their Eucharists.) I once heard someone say...

Cut off from Us All Self-Sufficiency

Vine and Branches and Much Fruit

Jesus is the vine and his disciples, the branches.  Remaining in Jesus, and he in them, the disciples bear much fruit. Remaining now in the true vine, Paul gives much fruit. He does not only speak boldly in the name of Jesus. He also toils harder than all the other...

We become what we recieve

We become what we recieve

In receiving Christ, we become one body in him, and through him, one with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Through receiving the Eucharist, we enter into a unique and personal relationship with the Trinity and with one another, the Body of Christ. We become what we eat.

A Vincentian Point in Time

A Vincentian Point in Time

The collection of this information is critical to effectively planning to address homelessness in Niagara Falls and Niagara County, The point in time count really provides a snapshot of how many people experience homelessness throughout the year.