
The Pope Video • Religious Discrimination and Persecution

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: Religious Discrimination and Persecution.

A Vincentian Minute: From Cross to Crown

Fr. Rooney, in an Advent/Christmas series on the mystery of the Incarnation in Vincentian thought and practice, reflects on the spirituality that surrounded St. Vincent.

When Your Whole World Changes

We use the word “apocalyptic” to describe such catastrophic events. But that is not what the word apocalypse meant in biblical terms. Then it meant to reveal something new.

Memorial of Blessed Lindalva Justo, Daughter of Charity (Video)

A Mass that was streamed live on Apr 9, 2021 from the martyrdom chapel located at the Dom Pedro II Shelter in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

A Vincentian View: In-Between Times

A Vincentian View: In-Between Times

Vincentian View: In-Between Times We sometimes refer to that period which is sandwiched between two events as an “in-between” time. The occurrences which flank this interval often provide its character and purpose.  The unifying force of the interlude draws the two...

Freely You Receive, Freely Give Also

Anointing with the Holy Spirit and Mission

The risen Jesus breathes on us.  Anointing us so with the Holy Spirit, he sends us to work with him in the evangelization of the poor. The risen Jesus stands in the midst of his disciples.   Never mind that it is dark and the disciples bolted the doors.  First, he...

Future of Marthas is ‘hope-filled’

Future of Marthas is ‘hope-filled’

Joanne O’Regan met her first ‘Martha’ in the late 1990s. “I remember thinking, ‘I like the way they are in the world,’” she said Wednesday of her first impression of the Antigonish-based Sisters of St. Martha. Though raised a Roman Catholic in Toronto, O’Regan hadn’t...

On Pruning Vines

On Pruning Vines

On Pruning Vines (John 15)  In his letter to the Church in Rome, St. Paul asserts, “All things work together unto good for those who love God.” (Rom. 8:28) No matter what kinds of things happen, both good and indeed bad, good will rise on the other side of it. It’s a...