
Famvin Ireland Video Blog: Epiphany and New Year Reflection

Fr. Paschal Scallon, Provincial of the Irish Province of the Vincentians, gives a short video reflection on the Epiphany and New Year.

New Year’s Letter from Bro. Stockman, Superior General of the Brothers of Charity

First of all, we wish you all a blessed and peaceful 2022. Thank you for the many wishes we received and we hope to share with you that blessing and peace in the new year.

A Vincentian Minute: Vincentians and Catholic Social Teaching – Intro

Fr. Rooney draws on a sketch of Catholic Social Teaching by former Vincentian Superior General Robert P. Maloney, C.M.

The Company of Charity and the Laudato Si Action Platform

We gathered to share how the Charity charism could be a resource for us as we engage in Pope Francis’s seven-year journey to integral integrity expressed in the LSAP.