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A Canadian View: A Fresh Approach To Social Justice

The term social justice can mean different to different people. It can also leave us confused on exactly what it is or is not.

Synodality In The Vincentian Charism – Introduction

This research is the Master’s Thesis of the “Masters in Vincentian Studies” program of Sister María Isabel Vergara Arnedillo, current Visitatrix of the Spain-East Province of the Daughters of Charity.

The Sacrificing Seed (John 12:24-26)          

In John’s gospel, to shed light on the meaning of his upcoming death, Jesus employs the image of a grain of wheat.

A Movement Becoming Aware of Itself – Growing Up

Have you ever watched time-lapse photography of the amazing process of a flower blooming or a moth becoming a butterfly? 

On October 24 we celebrate the feast of St. Luigi Guanella

On October 24 we celebrate the feast of St. Luigi Guanella

The spirituality of Louis Guanella can be understood as a unique confluence of the spirituality of the “saints of charity” such as St. Francis of Assisi, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Joseph Cottolengo, and St. John Bosco, with the spirituality of the “saints of mystical contemplation” represented by St. Catherine of Siena and St. Teresa of Avila.