
The Miraculous Medal Shrine presents: Stations of the Cross

In this video from the Miraculous Medal Shrine, we will see what Jesus was going through on the way to Calvary, through Mary’s eyes. Then we will try to make practical applications for our lives.

Can You Imagine Preaching To the Pope?

Capuchin Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM bears the title of“Preacher to the Papal Household.” He must be well respected! 

Lenten Video Series, Day 26: A Matter of the Heart

Allowing Christ to lead us to where we need to be rather than where we believe we might want to be, is the core of deriving joy from sacrifice.

Lenten Video Series, Day 25: Impossible Joy

Recorded just days before he was ordained a Priest, Deacon Volodymyr Radko sat down with us to talk about the sacrifices that come with the process of discernment.