
A Play In Three Acts – “Walking Together”

I have never written anything like a play. I probably never will. But I thought of the outline of a play about “walking together” as Pope Francis refers to synodality.

Lenten Video Series, Day 30: Sweet Surrender

Carolina Nemo describes her spiritual experience in Fatima, Portugal– and how seeing the joyful prayers to the Blessed Mother made her more fully understand the nature of giving all of yourself in sacrifice to God.

Palms of Martyrdom, of Witness

Jesus is the faithful witness and the King of martyrs.  To welcome him means to follow him to the end with palms in our hands. Of the four gospel writers, only John mentions palms.  Matthew and Mark speak only of “branches.”  Luke, for his part, says nothing at all...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History XXVII

One of the reasons for Saint Vincent de Paul to be considered a key figure in the history of the holiness of the Church is his style of living his vocation. Each week we will present an example.