
Re-evaluating Childhood Beliefs

I would be surprised if you haven’t re-evaluated some of your childhood beliefs.

Bless, Break, Share, and Serve

Christ shares his blood with us as we bless with him the cup of thanksgiving.  And he shares his body as we break the bread. Nowadays, we voice out not so noble feelings; we rant.  We are more ready to curse than to bless, to tell others to their faces their faults,...

Vincentian Prayer Images: “The Colors of Charity” • 2

This series is a visual memory of the art exhibition “The Colors of Charity,” which was on exhibit from 15 December 2017 to 25 February 2018 at the Collegio Alberoni of Piacenza.

June 16: Anniversary of the Canonization of St. Vincent de Paul

Vincent de Paul’s canonization process was initiated by the Congregation of the Mission 37 years after his death.

Pray, Ask, Seek and Knock as Jesus

Pray, Ask, Seek and Knock as Jesus

Jesus embodies what to pray, ask, seek, knock is.  We Christians, then, strive to pray, ask, seek and knock as he teaches us. Mary Magdalene recognizes Jesus and calls him, “Teacher” because he first calls her, “Mary.”  And because God loves us first, we love also. ...

Who Is a “Real” Christian?

Who Is a “Real” Christian?

I hear a lot of arguments about who is a “real”  Christian or Catholic. Sometimes they sound suspiciously like the platforms of one or the other political party. They often remind me of Paul’s words. “Whenever someone says, “I belong to Paul,” and another, “I belong...