
A Journey Through Vincentian Spirituality – Part 4 (last)

As part of Vincentian month, we welcome you to join us each week as Fr Mark Noonan CM brings us on a journey through Vincentian Spirituality over the next 4 weeks. This week we offer part 4 and last.

Homelessness – Our Heritage and Challenge

As we approach the feast of St. Vincent de Paul we can draw strength and be challenged by all that St. Vincent did. Many may not believe that one man could do all that Vincent did!

Acceptance — And Ingenuity (Luke 16:1-13)

Scripture Scholars tell us that the meaning behind the word “parable” is curve, as in throwing a curve.

Do You Prefer Courtrooms or Banquet Halls?

If I asked you, I suspect most, without having any further details, would say they would rather be in a banquet setting than a court of law.

Prayer is…

Prayer is…

A reminder of all the beautiful ways that prayer is described in the Lenten Letter of Fr. Tomaž Mavrič. May prayer be at the center of my life, as it was for St. Vincent de Paul, Mystic of Charity.

Communion among Ourselves and with Others

Communion among Ourselves and with Others

Jesus does not look out for his interests, but for those of others. To follow him we need to be in communion among ourselves and with others. The devil seeks to break up Jesus’ communion with others. For what he is after is for Jesus to turn his back on his calling...