
How Many Saints Do You Know?

I grant there may be few among us who have had the privilege of meeting the likes of the saint we call Mother Theresa. Yet, you and I have touched, or been touched by, saints.

Believers, and Not Just Thinkers

Jesus is the resurrection and the life.  It is enough for us to be believers in him to conquer death. The problem of religion does not lie in those who are not believers but in those who are believers.  It does not lie in the publican, but in the Pharisee that looks...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Contemporary Art 1

Share your thoughts on a weekly image of St. Vincent de Paul as portrayed by a contemporary artist.

A Vincentian Minute: Vincentian Educational Values – Part 6

In this series Fr. Rooney explores the Values of Vincentian Education proposed by Daughter of Charity Sr. Louise Sullivan.