
“Home for the Holidays”

For many of my years, “Home for the Holidays” was in the back of most people’s minds come Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Sheltering: A meditation for the Vincentian Family

The works of mercy lie at the heart of our Family’s spirituality. 

Fix our Gaze on our Lord Jesus

After putting up with the shameful cross, Jesus has been lifted up to the highest place.  To fix our eyes on him means not to lose heart. A new year starts in the Church, but she asks us to fix our gaze on the end.  It tells us, “Eyes on the prize.”   It is the...

Editorial: We Should Not Whitewash the Lack of Human Rights

In 2010, Quatar – a country known for its violation of the most basic human rights (freedom of press, freedom of assembly, rights of women, rights of LGBTQ individuals) – was selected to host the World Cup in 2022, in a selection that was surrounded by suspicion of bribes and corruption.

Flame of Blazing and Renewing Fire

Flame of Blazing and Renewing Fire

Jesus is Lord! But we can say this only by the Holy Spirit. And only his flame can renew the face of the earth. The Holy Spirit comes with the strength of a driving wind that fills the whole house where the disciples are. And a tongue of fire or flame rests on each of...