
A Vincentian Minute: Windows on Saint Vincent’s Vision (Part 8)

In this series Fr. Rooney explores Fr. Jack Melito, CM’s inquiries into the experiences that shaped Vincent de Paul’s life.

Lessons From My Christmas Conversion

We used to celebrate Christmas for forty days, a period symbolizing conversion. Mother Seton’s own life-changing Christmas experience prompts us to ask ourselves—did we open our hearts to the Christ child this year? Or did we lock the door of the inn?

Annual Mass of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Ireland, Broadcast on National TV

On November 27th we participated in the annual Sunday celebration of the Eucharist for the members of Society of St. Vincent de Paul… a celebration that was broadcast on RTÉ.

Is Christmas Over?

In this Vincentian Mindwalk, I am asking whether Christmas is the celebration of a moment in the past or something that takes place in your life every day?

Guests at the Kingly Wedding Feast

Guests at the Kingly Wedding Feast

Jesus is the fullness of God’s revelation.  And so through him, we get to know fully that God wants us all to be his pleasing guests. As it turns out, those who are to be the guests at the start are not worthy.  And that is why the king thinks it fit to turn into...