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Thank Goodness God Didn’t Listen to Some Naysayers

It is a variation of an ancient story. Humans were making a mess. They forgot that they were all sisters and brothers. They each were looking out for themselves and their immediate “blood family.”

Beginning Next Week: Advent from a Vincentian Perspective (New Series)

This series of six articles will explore Advent through the lens of Vincentian spirituality, encouraging readers to prepare for the coming of Christ not just through prayer, but through action and service to the poor.

USA Presidential Election and Catholic Social Teaching

When I offered to write this article for VinFam, I did not expect the results we witnessed on November fifth. 

On November 23 We Celebrate the Feast of Blessed Enrichetta Alfieri

Blessed Enrichetta Alfieri lived a life shaped by deep spirituality and total dedication to serving society’s most marginalized. Her mission reached its peak within the walls of the San Vittore prison in Milan, where her work with inmates earned her the title “The Angel of San Vittore.”