
A Divine Bias? (Ps 146; I Cor 1:27-30)

The word “bias” doesn’t have an especially pleasing connotation. It usually means an unfair leaning toward one group and a blindness toward its opposite.

God’s Record as a Recruiter

The Jerusalem headhunters would not have been very interested in Jesus’ leadership team. They preferred the way rabbis were picked from among the most promising in their schools.

Approach Jesus Christ with All Our Being

Jesus is the Son through whom God has spoken to us humans in these last days.  We Christians are to approach and hear him, and be what he says. God wanted the Israelites to prepare for his coming down to Mount Sinai to give them the law.  He told them, through Moses,...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Contemporary Art 13

Share your thoughts on a weekly image of St. Vincent de Paul as portrayed by a contemporary artist.

Ability to Hasten the Coming of the Lord

Ability to Hasten the Coming of the Lord

Jesus shares with us his anointing and mission to bring the Good News to the poor.  He gives tasks to each one according to one’s ability. By the grace of God, we have the ability to believe in Jesus.  But when he comes after a long time, will he find faith on earth?...