
February 27: Feast Day of Blessed Francinaina Cirer i Carbonell

Feb. 27 is the feast day of Blessed Francinaina Cirer i Carbonell, a native of Sencelles in Mallorca (Spain).

God is Mine and I Am His – Finding Joy in Lent with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

If we really understood Lent, we would be as enthralled with Ash Wednesday as Mother Seton was. It is through our Lenten journey inward into “the great empty” that we encounter God and meet our authentic selves.

Journey Through Lent With Saints Vincent and Louise (February 26)

St. Vincent and St. Louise speak to us in a brief quote for each day of Lent.

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Explains How to Pray, Fast, and Give

For St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the three Lenten marks of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving were a way of life. Her words can inspire us to view these three practices of Lent as one integrated act.

Speak as Our Teacher Commands Us to Do

Speak as Our Teacher Commands Us to Do

Jesus is the Word of the Father.  So, he does not speak on his own; the Father who has sent him commands him what to say (Jn 12, 49).  We, in turn, should only speak what Jesus tells us. God starts to speak, and just like that creation gets underway.  That means, he...