
A Young Adult Reflects on Saint Louise de Marillac

“Out of all the Vincentian figures that are highlighted at DePaul, I find Louise to be my personal favorite due to the fact that her life story is relatable.” – Brianna-Paige Alegbeleye, DePaul Alumna

Eyes on Earth Day – Eyes Closed? Glazed? Wide-open?

We often use images that speak of another’s awareness of something.  Turning a blind eye! Eyes glazed over! Having one’s eyes wide open.

Handcuffs Will Not Stop Homelessness!

In a recent reflection on the site Invisible People, Robert Davis makes the point that handcuffs will never solve homelessness.

What history rhymes with a future of justice and peace?

The history of Social Development at the UN continues to echo but more rhymes are needed so that it leads to a fulfillment of the promises of placing people at the center of development, eradicating poverty, providing productive employment and decent work, and creating social inclusion.

Rise or Fall, Live or Die, Yes or No

Rise or Fall, Live or Die, Yes or No

Jesus comes down from heaven and dwells among us.  He takes up our flesh of death to give us spirit and life.  He wants us to rise. The Jews were the ones who grumbled before when Jesus said, “I am the bread that came down from heaven.”  Those who grumble now are...