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Contemplation: To Be Vincentian

The Essential Elements of the Society—Spirituality, Friendship, and Service—are equal, inseparable, and essential to its identity, as they unite members in a shared mission of faith-driven charitable action.

Defeat Is Triumph; To Die Is to Live

Jesus empties himself and humbly obeys, to the shameful death on the cross. So, God lifts him up, fills him with glory. Through him, with him and in him, defeat is triumph. 

The Vincentian Congregation: A Mission Rooted in Charity and Service

The Vincentian Congregation, founded in 1904 in India by Father Varkey Kattarath, is a religious community inspired by St. Vincent de Paul, dedicated to evangelization, service to the poor, and spiritual renewal, with a mission rooted in charity and global outreach.

On November 13 We Celebrate the Feast of Saint Agostina Livia Pietrantoni

Saint Agostina Pietrantoni devoted her life to serving the sick and ultimately became a martyr of charity. Her example of selfless service, sacrifice, and love led to her canonization by Pope John Paul II in 1999, becoming the patron saint of nurses.

Haughty That Are on the Way to Gehenna

Haughty That Are on the Way to Gehenna

Jesus is meek and lowly of heart.  Hence, he wants us to be meek and lowly of heart also, and not at all haughty.  John and the other disciples way well be as jealous for Jesus’ sake as Joshua was for Moses’.  Or they may be so haughty.  Haughty enough to think that...