
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton and the American Spirit

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton had a bold spirit, embraced new identities, made a home in hard circumstances, and left a giant legacy. She embodied many of the best virtues of being American.

Yoke That Is Easy, Burden That Is Light

Jesus soothes those who are weary and carry heavy burden.  To take his yoke and learn from him is to know the Father and find rest and ease. In wonder, Jesus thanks the Father.  For, though Lord of heaven and earth, the Father favors with revelation the little folks. ...

Vincentian Prayer Images – Art By Vincentians 11

Share your thoughts on a weekly image of artwork made by members of the Vincentian Family.

The Glory of God is Man Fully Alive: Saint Irenaeus and Mother Seton

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. Irenaeus suffered greatly in their lives and were deeply “acquainted with grief.” Instead of leading to despair, suffering made them fully alive to the beauty of the world and to the gift of God’s grace.

Vincent’s Homes

Vincent’s Homes

Vincent’s Homes (Philadelphia, PA, USA) is an outgrowth of the 13 Houses campaign, which has as its focus housing the most vulnerable and providing long-term, stable housing for individuals who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Curses that Turn Out to Be Blessings

Curses that Turn Out to Be Blessings

Jesus became a curse to free us from curses and fill us with blessings.  He became sinner and poor to make us just and rich. Those who are to catch men and women have much to learn still.  And today the one who has called them teaches them about curses and blessings....